About Me

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Description Of Myself~~Tila~~ I describe myself with a biased perspective of course. One holds two images of oneself, the one in the mirror, and the one in the head. The one in the mirror affects the one in the head. If the image in the head is good the image in the mirror is good, but if the image in the mirror is good the one in head might not be so. I would have to say that the stump in my height is blamed on my thighs. Depending on brand, but I should consider myself lucky I suppose that I made it where I did. I have a few key characteristics I have noticed and many people have commented on. I'm pretty happy with my body and what it looks like and each piece is unique and each of its functions is limited but when it is put together its power is unfathomed and anything is possible. its me and only me T-la

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Critical Thinking - how many definitions now?

How many definitions are there for the term: critical thinking?

Well, if you use Google and type: define:critical thinking in the search box, you will see at the top of the page, a link (Web definitions for Critical thinking) which will take you to several different website links, each with a different definition. As well, on that first Google results page and the following pages, there are so many websites promoting their own definition that one could be led astray for hours and days. Wow.

You know, for something that has been around for more than 60 years, one would think that the pundits would have an agreed-upon definition worked out by now. But no, some of the groups/organizations think that their definition is the one true definition. Good grief. Sounds like a religion!
Since there is so much disparity, then we must fall back to common sense (what!) and make a definition based on need, future education goals and the instruments to get us there.
A quote from his page:

"The following is a brief, but excellent, definition of "critical thinking" from a bill in the California State Senate that was trying to update the State's Education code:

Critical thinking is the ability to engage in reasoned discourse with intellectual standards such as clarity, accuracy, precision, and logic, and to use analytic skills with a fundamental value orientation that emphasizes intellectual humility, intellectual integrity, and fair-mindedness."

"Paul (1992, p. 9-10) defines critical thinking as "disciplined, self-directed thinking that exemplifies the perfections of thinking appropriate to a particular mode or domain of thought." Glock (1987, p. 9) offers the following broad definition: "Critical thinking skills are (a) those diverse cognitive processes and associated attitudes, (b) critical to intelligent action, (c) in diverse situations and fields, (d) that can be improved by instruction or conscious effort."

Then there is this more mellow, thoughtful reference to related "Reflected Thinking".

There are more "definitions" here.

So the beat goes on...

It is my hope that Alberta Education will present a coherent, logical, simple, easy to understand, easy to adopt, definition of "critical thinking", which will take us into the "21st century". The term has been bandied about quite a bit over the last 2-3 years in Alberta. I'm betting that for every school in Alberta there is a unique definition.

since i presented the learning styles and strategies last week in my class with B.ED TESL 2A GROUP STUDENTS, i guess some of them seriously need to think about critical thinking blog of mine so that they realise wat is the factors that everyone face when they are presenting infront of the class.....

~~ just dont throw words to someone even though YOU might think UR prefect~~

have good day frenz!

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